Hunter Mill District Voter ID Project

HMDDC Precinct Operations launches a Voter ID Project starting April 22, 2018.

The Voter ID Project will attempt to identify unknown voters within Hunter Mill District. We will contact neighbors who are registered to vote, but it is unknown to us how they identify themselves. Do they consider themselves a Democrat, Republican or Independent and how are they likely to vote?

Join us in South Reston/Herndon for our first Voter ID Canvass where we will be walking Dogwood & McNair Precincts to listen and build relationships with neighborhood voters to lay the groundwork for our candidates to campaign more effectively and increase the turnout in our favor on Election Day in November.

South Reston/Herndon Voter ID Canvass

2429 Freetown Dr, Reston

April 22 at 12pm & 3pm

Contact: Joanne Collins, HMDDC Vice Chair of Precinct Operations

at or 585-703-1121 with any questions.