FCDC 2023 Endorsements

Concluding May 20th, the Fairfax County Democratic Committee (FCDC) has administered a first-of-its-kind endorsement caucus to select its endorsees for the Fairfax County School Board.

For the first time since FCDC started endorsing candidates in 1995, non-member Democratic voters were able to help make our endorsement decision. During the caucus, we saw more than 3,300 voters throughout Fairfax County join us in choosing a slate of candidates who will be prepared to return a Democratic majority to the School Board this November.

Regarding the endorsement caucus, FCDC Chair Bryan Graham states “We thank everyone who voted in the endorsement caucus this year. Public education is vitally important to the families of Fairfax County and to the businesses that choose to locate here. We are excited to see our endorsees deliver a strong message and affirmative vision to voters throughout the summer and into the fall.”

The Democratic-endorsed candidates for Fairfax County School Board are:

○ At-Large: Ilryong Moon, Ryan McElveen, Kyle McDaniel
○ Hunter Mill District: Melanie Meren

Congratulations to the winners and thank you to the other candidates for participating in the process. As our slate of candidates has been completed, we move forward to speaking with our voters and engaging in preparation for the fall elections.

Lasagna Dinner Tickets Are Available Now!

Join us for our 47th Annual Hunter Mill District Democratic Committee Lasagna Dinner on May 13. Our Hunter Mill District Democratic Committee is our signature event of the year and a very important fundraiser to help support our Democratic candidates. Our format will follow previous years with a reception and a dinner program. The Lasagna Dinner is an excellent opportunity to invite local democrats who might not be familiar with our committee and interact with our elected officials. It is the biggest political event of the year along the Dulles Corridor.  As always, we will be awarding two awards during the ceremony: the Ed Herlihy Activist Award and the Martha Pennino Community Service Award. These awards denote exceptional service both within the Democratic Party and throughout our Hunter Mill District community. 

Buy your tickets today! It is crucial that we have the resources to support our candidates and voter outreach into the community. This work is especially important as we support our candidates from the onslaught of Governor Youngkin’s ambitions.  Our committee will support our state and local Democratic candidates with a vibrant voter outreach program. The Hunter Mill Democrats Lasagna Dinner is a volunteer lead operation and we are still looking for some volunteers. If you are interested in lending your talents or donating some food, you can sign up here. We will be adding some updates about the Lasagna Dinner over the next weeks so be on the lookout and we hope you are able to join us.

Click here to buy an ad in our event program, and get your campaign or organization recognized within the event program.

Primary Season is Heating Up

The cherry blossoms are blooming, the daffodils are popping, and as March prepares to go out like a lamb, primary season is roaring into Hunter Mill District like a lion. We are currently in the midst of the filing season for candidates in many state and local races, and in the face of all the high-profile retirements, whether you prefer to Pick Your Pony or press the flesh at the 2023 Lasagna Dinner, it is looking like an exciting year to be a Hunter Mill Democrat!

Primaries are funny things because, like any other election, you have to be all in for your candidate and give everything you can as a volunteer and a supporter. But unlike in a general election, when the dust settles and a candidate is either nominated or endorsed, we will only succeed if we rally to elect the nominee/endorsee—regardless of whether it’s the one we would have chosen. In the end, we all want to keep Fairfax County a special shade of deep sapphire, and the only way we can do that is for candidates and their supporters to be enthusiastic and respectful. The press loves a “Dems in disarray” story, and Republicans will go to great lengths to turn us against each other. 

Also, primaries are a great opportunity to engage our neighbors and friends in the civic process. Invite your friends to get engaged with the candidates and our local committee during this time. As the saying goes “democracy is not a spectator sport”.  

We are fortunate in Hunter Mill to expect such a great selection of candidates, and to have such a deeply engaged and committed group of activists who back them. Let’s look forward to some real democracy in action, and select the best candidates we can for November.

Democrats Nominate Holly Seibold for Open Delegate Seat

Voting has concluded in the HD-35 Democratic Caucus, and voters have chosen Holly Seibold as the Democratic nominee to fill the vacancy following Mark Keam’s appointment to the Biden-Harris Administration. In announcing the results, Fairfax County Democratic Committee Chair Bryan Graham released the following statement:

“We are pleased to announce that Holly Seibold will be the Democratic nominee for the January 10, 2023 Special Election for the existing 35th House District.

“Holly works day-in and day-out to make our community a better place for everyone. While our absentee Governor and his lackeys in the legislature attack public education, the LGBTQ+ community, environmental protections, and even democracy itself, we need candidates like Holly to lead the fight to protect the progress we’ve made and forge a path to move Virginia forward when we retake the House of Delegates next year.

“Two excellent candidates sought the Democratic nomination for serving the remainder of the Honorable Mark Keam‘s term in the House of Delegates. Thousands of Democratic voters from the existing 35th House District participated in our nomination caucus earlier this week and today. Both campaigns should be commended for their ability to organize and mobilize voters in a compressed timeframe.

“Now that the caucus is over, Democrats are united behind our nominee and the next Delegate from House District 35, Holly Seibold.

Holly is a mother, public school teacher, and non-profit leader. From the classroom to the boardroom, Holly has been a champion for women and children. Voters can learn more about Holly’s impressive background and committment to her community by visiting her website, HollySeibold.com. Voting information, including how to vote early and by mail, for the January 10th Special Election will be available at FairfaxVotes.org once details are confirmed.

Early Voting Starts September 23rd

Early voting starts on Friday, September 23.
Location & Hours:
Click the location to open in Google Maps

Fairfax County Government Center, Conference Room 2/3

Weekdays: 8 am – 4:30 pm
Saturdays (September 24, October 29, November 5): 9 am – 5 pm
Sunday (October 30): 1 pm – 5 pm

North County Governmental Center

Weekdays: 1 pm – 7 pm
Saturdays (September 24, October 29, November 5): 9 am – 5 pm
Sunday (October 30): 1 pm – 5 pm

More locations will open starting October 27. We will need volunteers to help staff the Fairfax Democrats booth to help pass out sample ballots and provide voting information. More information on early voting is available here, and more information on all methods and means of voting is available at FairfaxVotes.org.

22nd John N. Sturdivant Awards Brunch

The Sturdivant Brunch is a ‘one of its kind’ event hosted by the 11th Congressional District Democratic Committee, where we honor John N. Sturdivant, formally the President of the largest federal worker union, whose contribution (among many others) helped ease the restriction on federal worker’s involvement in politics, leading to Democrat wins in many important elections. In the past years, we have had the pleasure of honoring many of our community’s very best labor organizers, activists, and community leaders. This will be the 22nd event for the Sturdivant Awards presentations and we are excited to have four dedicated and dynamic women as our awardees.

Sunday, July 10, 2022
10:30 am – 1:00 pm

Westwood Country Club
800 Maple Ave E,
Vienna, VA 22180

More details are available at https://secure.actblue.com/donate/sturdivant22

Statement on Unprecedented Overturning of Roe v. Wade

FAIRFAX COUNTY – In response to the Supreme Court’s unprecedented decision to overturn 50 years of legal precedence in Roe v. Wade, FCDC Chair Bryan Graham has released the following statement:

“Individual rights to personal reproductive autonomy are under attack from the extremist Republican Party. The Trump-packed Supreme Court has overturned nearly 50 years of established legal precedence by allowing states to refuse an individual’s right to an abortion. Republicans profess to be the party of individual liberty, but they continually attack women’s freedoms and rights.

“This ruling does not end abortion in our country. Instead, it amplifies inequality. Vast swaths of the country will soon be thousands of miles away from reproductive healthcare, limiting access to those without the means to travel. Beyond that, regressive laws ready to go in effect in various states are seemingly meant to terrorize—forcing pregnancy on victims of rape and convening inquests for those who miscarry.

“Republicans sadly continue to have a dangerous relationship with the truth. Amy Coney Barrett, Brett Kavanaugh, and Neil Gorsuch all lied under oath about whether Roe v. Wade was settled law during their confirmation hearings. Their place on the court cemented by their lies, they have gutted Miranda rights and gun regulations, placed limits on citizens’ ability to seek damages if their constitutional rights are violated, and enabled tax dollars to go to religious schools.

“The overturning of Roe v. Wade reinforces the continued need for Democratic leadership to protect reproductive rights for Virginians and the importance of upcoming elections. The right to an abortion in Virginia hangs in the balance of one Senate vote.  The Fairfax County Democratic Committee will work to elect those who will protect the right to choose in the Commonwealth.”

Get Tickets for the May 22 Lasagna Dinner!

46th Annual Hunter Mill Democrats Lasagna Dinner

Join us for our 46th Annual Hunter Mill District Democrats Lasagna Dinner on May 22. We are coming back from the hiatus due to the pandemic and we will be making sure to take some extra precautions as we come back to an in-person event. Our Hunter Mill District Democratic Committee is our signature event of the year and a very important fundraiser to help support our Democratic candidates. Our format will follow previous years with a reception and a dinner program. The Lasagna Dinner is an excellent opportunity to invite local democrats who might not be familiar with our committee and interact with our elected officials in a casual setting. As always, we will be awarding two awards during the ceremony: the Ed Herlihy Activist Award and the Martha Pennino Community Service Award. These awards denote exceptional service both within the Democratic Party and throughout our Hunter Mill District community. 

Buy your tickets today! Ticket prices will increase on May 11. It is crucial that we have the resources to support our candidates and voter outreach into the community. This work is especially important following the devastating losses in 2021.  Our committee will support Democratic candidates like Congressman Gerry Connolly and prepare for the important 2023 election year too. The Hunter Mill Democrats Lasagna Dinner is a volunteer lead operation and we are still looking for some volunteers. If you are interested in lending your talents or donating some food, you can sign up here. We will be adding some updates about the Lasagna Dinner over the next weeks so be on the lookout and we hope you are able to join us.

It’s Time to Renew Your Membership/Join the Committee for 2020–2021

When you join as a member of the Hunter Mill Democrats, you are also joining the Fairfax County Democratic Committee (FCDC), which is the largest political organization in Virginia.

Every two years, the current term of membership expires for all members and new two-year term gets ready to begin. Members of the Hunter Mill Democrats have special privileges in meetings and also get to make decisions on items such as policy positions FCDC may take, what kind of voter engagement projects should be prioritized, and how the party spends its money, for example.

If you’d like to become a member (or continue as a member), you’ll need to apply by December 1st at 5:00 PM. Click here for an application for the Hunter Mill District.

If you are not sure if you live in the Hunter Mill District, click here for a lookup tool to see what district you live in.

To use the paper membership application, click here to download the form, or call the Fairfax County Democratic Committee at (703) 573-6811.

Members are elected! The Hunter Mill Democrats will be holding our caucus to elect members at 7 PM on Wednesday, December 11th at Lake Anne Elementary School. There is a cap of 130 members per district (not including Lifetime, ex oficio and Emeritus members). Click here to read the Fairfax County Democrats Resolution for Reorganization.

The caucus to elect members will be at 7pm, and the reorganization will be at 8:30pm. If applications for membership have not exceeded the 130-member cap, then the caucus will not be necessary, and the reorganization will start at 7pm.

Fairfax County Democrats Leadership Elections January 7th, 2020

On January 7th, the members who were elected in December will select the leadership of the Fairfax County Democratic Committee and will vote to pass the new Bylaws.  On the ballot will be the following offices:

FCDC Chair
FCDC Vice Chair South Vice Chair for Finance
FCDC Vice Chair Central Vice Chair for Outreach
FCDC Vice Chair North Corresponding Secretary
Vice Chair for Precinct Operations Recording Secretary
Vice Chair for Technology Treasurer
Vice Chair for Voter Registration and Education Assistant Treasurer

Anyone seeking election to one of these positions must send an email to [email protected] stating their intention to run by 5:00pm on December 27th, 2019 in order to have their names printed on the ballot.  (To run for these positions, you also need to become a member of FCDC.)

Please contact the Fairfax County Democratic Committee at  (703) 573-6811, or [email protected], if you have any questions.


A huge thank you to all of our volunteers who called voters, canvassed voters, donated money and helped all our candidates up and down the ticket this election cycle! We would especially like to thank our Fighting4Fairfax organizer Henry Pratt, and campaign manager, Jeremy Cullimore.

We had a Democratic sweep in Hunter Mill and we congratulate all of our winning candidates below, including Hunter Mill members Sen. Janet Howell, Del. Ken Plum, Sheriff Stacey Kincaid, Hunter Mill Supervisor-Elect, Walter Alcorn, and Hunter Mill School Board Representative-Elect, Melanie Meren!

Finally, thank you to Supervisor Cathy Hudgins and to Hunter Mill School Board Representative Pat Hynes for their many years of service to Hunter Mill District, Fairfax County, and also for supporting the Hunter Mill Democrats.

Senate of Virginia

  • Jennifer Boysko, 33rd District
  • Barbara Favola, 31st District
  • Janet Howell, 32nd District
  • Chap Petersen, 34th District

Virginia House of Delegates

  • Mark Keam, 35th District
  • Kathleen Murphy, 34th District
  • Ken Plum, 36th District
  • Ibraheem Samirah, 86th District

Fairfax County Board of Supervisors

  • Jeff McKay- Chairman
  • Walter Alcorn, Hunter Mill District Supervisor

Fairfax County School Board

  • Melanie Meren- Hunter Mill District Representative
  • Karen Keys-Gamarra- At-Large Member
  • Abrar Omeish- At-Large Member
  • Rachna Sizemore-Heizer- At-Large Member

Fairfax County Constitutional Officers

  • Steve Descano- Commonwealth’s Attorney
  • Stacey Kincaid- Sheriff

Northern Virginia Soil and Water Conservation District

  • Monica Billger- Director
  • Chris Koerner- Director
  • Jerry Peters- Director