Leading in Monmouth poll, Jennifer Wexton has plenty to smile about. (Photo by Karen Kirk)
Jennifer Wexton is leading U.S. Rep. Barbara Comstock among all potential voters by 10 points, 49 to 39, with 12 percent undecided or supporting someone else in Virginia’s CD-10 race, according to a Monmouth University poll released Tuesday, June 26.
Half of the voters in CD-10 identify themselves as independents, and Virginia Democratic State Sen. Wexton leads among this group by 45% to 36%. She also has stronger support among her fellow Democrats (97% to 1% for Comstock) than Comstock has among her fellow Republicans (85% to 10% for Wexton).
Comstock’s prospects appear to be hampered by voters’ negative views of President Trump – 53% disapprove of the job he has done compared to 42% who approve in the latest Monmouth poll.
Voters also express a preference to have Democrats (42%) rather than Republicans (34%) control of Congress.
Wexton is leading among white college graduates by 50% to 41%. She also leads among black, Hispanic, and Asian voters regardless of education level by 62% to 21%.
Jennifer Wexton says it’s time for Democrats to take back the House. (Photo by Karen Kirk)
By Karen Kirk:
“With Donald Trump in the White House, Scott Pruitt heading the EPA, Betsy DeVos as Secretary of Education and Jeff Sessions as Attorney General, I am very concerned about how much damage is going to be done to our country in the next couple of years and the only way we’re going to stop it is to take back the House,” said Jennifer Wexton at a breakfast Monday sponsored by Dulles Area Democrats.
And there’s a good chance that Virginia State Sen. Wexton, the Democratic candidate will defeat U.S. Rep. Barbara Comstock in CD-10 this November.
According to a Monmouth University poll released Tuesday, Wexton is leading Comstock by 10 points — 49 to 39, with 12 percent undecided or supporting someone else — even though most voters said they had no opinion of Wexton. Comstock’s prospects are weighted down by voters’ negative views of President Trump – 53% disapprove of the job he has done compared to 42% who approve in the latest poll.
Wexton drew stark contrasts with her opponent on the issues.
“I have been fighting down in Richmond for gun violence prevention legislation for years,” said Wexton. “I never received a dime from the NRA nor will I. I have received failing grades from them every time. Barbara Comstock has an A rating from the NRA. Despite her relatively short tenure in Congress, she is one of the top recipients of funding from them.”
“She is terrible on the environment. She has a zero from the League of conservation voters, and I have 100%,” Wexton said. “On women’s health, the same thing. She is zero, she’s voted to defund Planned Parenthood. I am a NARAL champion and have been supported by them and have fought in Richmond to eliminate unconstitutional restrictions on a woman’s right to safe, legal abortion.”
“So there are great contrasts here and the stakes are pretty high and I need your help because she is not going to be an easy person to beat, said Wexton, who beat five other Democratic candidates by a wide margin in the Democratic Primary June 10.
Wexton answered questions from the audience at the Amphora Diner in Herndon about her chances of winning in November. She said the day she announced her candidacy, the Cook Report moved its rating for the CD-10 race from lean Republican to a toss-up, citing her entry in the race as their reason.
The Virginia CD-10 primary candidates gathered today in Sterling, Va., to pledge their support for Tuesday’s primary winner, state senator Jennifer Wexton (D-33).
The CD10 Unity event fulfilled a pledge all candidates had taken to support whoever won the primary. Moderator Zach Pruckowski, Chair of the 10th Congressional District Democratic Committee, declared all the candidates winners for living up to their promise and joining the event.
Virginia Senator Jennifer Wexton won yesterday’s Democratic primary and will face off against Republican Barbara Comstock in November in a contest to represent Virginia’s 10th Congressional District in the U.S. House of Representatives. Congratulations Sen. Wexton!
And thank you to all the volunteers at Hunter Mill precincts within the 10th District who helped make sure the primary was smooth and fair. Next stop: November!
At Colvin: Jerry Poje, Charlie Breig, Phil Haber, Carol Hurlburt, Brigitte Warzana
Don’t forget that there is a Democratic primary election TOMORROW, Tuesday June 12, 2018.
Two of Hunter Mill’s precincts—Fox Mill and Colvin—are within Virginia’s 10th Congressional District, and will therefore vote to determine the Democratic opponent to take on the incumbent, Republican Barbara Comstock.
The Fairfax Democrats’ news publication, The Blue View, has done a fantastic job of chronicling the Democratic candidates’ positions on various issues, and obtained a set of closing statements from the candidates’ campaigns. It is a great way to make sure your vote is an informed one.
No matter who you support, if you’re in a precinct with a primary election, make sure you get out there and vote. Primaries are critical in making sure the party’s nominees represent the will of its voters. Your vote makes a difference in the future of the party.
If you live in the 10th CD (Hunter Mill Precincts COLVIN and FOX MILL) you can vote in the June 12 primary for the candidate to oppose Barbara Comstock. If you will be unable to vote on June 12, you may vote early (“absentee in-person”). You will need to have a valid reason why you cannot vote on June 12; don’t worry, this is not an obstacle (see full info).
You may vote through June 9, at one of ten polling locations throughout the county (you do not need to live near the polling location for early voting). These ten include the main Fairfax County Government Center in Fair Lakes.