Voting has concluded in the HD-35 Democratic Caucus, and voters have chosen Holly Seibold as the Democratic nominee to fill the vacancy following Mark Keam’s appointment to the Biden-Harris Administration. In announcing the results, Fairfax County Democratic Committee Chair Bryan Graham released the following statement:
“We are pleased to announce that Holly Seibold will be the Democratic nominee for the January 10, 2023 Special Election for the existing 35th House District.
“Holly works day-in and day-out to make our community a better place for everyone. While our absentee Governor and his lackeys in the legislature attack public education, the LGBTQ+ community, environmental protections, and even democracy itself, we need candidates like Holly to lead the fight to protect the progress we’ve made and forge a path to move Virginia forward when we retake the House of Delegates next year.
“Two excellent candidates sought the Democratic nomination for serving the remainder of the Honorable Mark Keam‘s term in the House of Delegates. Thousands of Democratic voters from the existing 35th House District participated in our nomination caucus earlier this week and today. Both campaigns should be commended for their ability to organize and mobilize voters in a compressed timeframe.
“Now that the caucus is over, Democrats are united behind our nominee and the next Delegate from House District 35, Holly Seibold.“
Holly is a mother, public school teacher, and non-profit leader. From the classroom to the boardroom, Holly has been a champion for women and children. Voters can learn more about Holly’s impressive background and committment to her community by visiting her website, HollySeibold.com. Voting information, including how to vote early and by mail, for the January 10th Special Election will be available at FairfaxVotes.org once details are confirmed.