Hunter Mill Unity Event June 12, June Meeting Postponed to June 19

The Hunter Mill Democrats’ monthly meeting, normally scheduled for Wednesday, June 12, is being postponed to the following Wednesday, June 19 in the cafeteria at Lake Anne Elementary School at 7:30pm. We will be meeting to approve new members and discuss candidate donations. Your participation is important as we decide as a committee how to begin disbursing the funds we have been raising since last year. Hunter Mill has a proud tradition of supporting Democratic candidates, so please plan to attend to make your voice heard!

On June 12 at the North County Governmental Center, Hunter Mill Democrats will instead have a Unity event  with our 2019 candidates, prevailing candidates, nominees and elected officials from 7:30 -9:00 PM. This event will bring us back to our shared Democratic cause as we work towards a blue victory in November. Be sure to join us for this celebration and let’s get to work to elect Democrats!

Monthly Meeting: Wednesday, February 13

The February meeting of the Hunter Mill District Democratic Committee will take place on Wednesday, February 13 at 7:30pm at Lake Anne Elementary School, 11510 N Shore Dr. Reston, VA 20190 (map below)

All are welcome to arrive at 7pm to meet one another and members of the executive board before the meeting begins at 7:30pm.

We look forward to seeing you on Wednesday, February 13!

Monthly Meeting: Wednesday, January 9, 2019

The January meeting of the Hunter Mill District Democratic Committee will take place on Wednesday, January 9 at 7:30pm at Lake Anne Elementary School, 11510 N Shore Dr. Reston, VA 20190 (map below)

SPECIAL NOTICE: Method of Nomination Selection at Next HMDDC Meeting

The Hunter Mill District Democratic Committee will choose its preferred method of nomination for the Democratic Candidate for the Hunter Mill District Board Supervisor at the next General Membership Meeting. Please be sure to attend and express your preference of nomination.

All are welcome to arrive at 7pm to meet one another and members of the executive board before the meeting begins at 7:30pm.

We look forward to seeing you on Wednesday, January 9!

Special Election in Virginia Senate District 33

You probably know that thanks to the hard work of Democrats in Hunter Mill, Fairfax County, and in the rest of Northern Virginia, we are sending Jennifer Wexton to represent us in Washington. In order to do that, Jennifer Wexton has had to vacate her seat in Virginia’s 33rd Senate District. We will vote on Tuesday, January 8, 2019 for a new state Senator. Jennifer Boysko, a current representative in Virginia’s House of Delegates, has been nominated as the Democrat running for the seat.

Voting in the Special Election on January 8, 2019:

The election will be open to all registered voters who live in the Hunter Mill Precincts of Frying Pan and McNair. Voters in those precincts will vote in their usual polling locations on January 8, 2019. Polls will be open from 6am to 7pm.

In-Person Absentee (Early) Voting for the SD33 Jan 8th Special Election is available now at the Fairfax County Government Center, 12000 Government Center Pkwy, Fairfax, VA 22035. Early voting will be available from Monday, 11/26/18 through Saturday 01/05/19 from 9am-5pm.

Volunteering for Jennifer Boysko’s Campaign for State Senate

Canvassing and Phone Banking will  launch from 6 Pidgeon Hill Dr, Sterling, VA. Sign up here to help with weekend shifts:

And Sign up here for weekday shifts:

Remote Phone Banking is also available. If you are interested in volunteering in any capacity, please feel free to reach out to Chad Wiggins, Field Director [email protected] / 571-839-7040.

Handwritten postcards are a great way to communicate with potential voters with a human touch. Volunteers will also be organizing postcard-writing campaigns at the following dates, times, and locations:

Boysko’s campaign is also in need of housing for one more organizer through January 10, 2019. If you can assist, please reach out as soon as you can.

For More Information

Jennifer Boysko’s campaign website has further information on her as a candidate, and you can access it at For more information on how to get involved and help make sure a Democrat stays in Virginia’s 33rd Senate District, contact Hunter Mill’s Vice Chair for Precinct Operations, Joanne Collins [email protected] / 585-703-1121.


Hunter Mill Democrats Volunteer Appreciation Party Saturday!

Well, we did it. We worked together and we built a Blue Wave last week. Democrats had a great night across the country, and the first signs of a good night came right here in Northern Virginia. Jennifer Wexton comfortably defeated Barbara Comstock in one of the first big flips of the night. We also propelled Tim Kaine and Gerry Connolly to decisive statement victories in their races. And none of it would have happened without our incredible volunteers. It’s time to raise a glass to you, and take an evening to revel in victory!

The annual Hunter Mill Democrats Volunteer Appreciation Party will take place this Saturday, from 5pm-7pm at Reston Community Center Lake Anne, located 1609-A Washington Plaza N., Reston, 20190.

Join fellow volunteers and elected officials, including Janet Howell, Chap Petersen, Mark Keam, Ken Plum, and and more to celebrate everyone’s hard work and our electoral success this year! Please click here to RSVP.

Light food and beverages will be provided, though if you would like to contribute a side dish, it would be welcome. Please note this in your RSVP.

There is no cost to attend, but an RSVP is appreciated so we can make sure we have enough food. Please click here to RSVP.

Questions? Email [email protected]

Hunter Mill Democrats Monthly Meeting on Wednesday, November 14 at Reston Community Center

The October meeting of the Hunter Mill Democrats will take place on Wednesday, November 14 at 7:30pm at the Reston Community Center at Hunters Woods Village Center, 2310 Colts Neck Rd., Reston, VA 20191 (map below). This will be the first Hunter Mill meeting since election day, so come and let’s congratulate one another on a job well done! It will also be time to start talking about the upcoming special and general elections for 2019. All are welcome to arrive at 7pm to meet one another and members of the executive board before the meeting begins at 7:30pm.

We look forward to seeing you on Wednesday, November 14!

Fairfax Dems Mount Massive Latino Outreach

By Todd Thurwachter:

Ahead of the Nov. 6 election, Democrats have made a sustained effort to register and educate Latino voters in Fairfax County – who now constitute 16% of the population, and are heading higher.

The campaign has contacted tens of thousands in Fairfax and neighboring counties, led by the Voter Registration & Education Committee of Fairfax County Democratic Committee (FCDC).

The project began last May with printing and distributing 5,000 voter information cards in Spanish, “Todo Sobre el Voto” (click here to view).

The cards, and other information in Spanish on voting, were also posted on the FCDC website. Also available in Spanish, for the first time, is the free Election Alerts service, which sends emails to subscribers before every election with key information including a sample ballot.

Committee Chair Janice Yohai also created and launched a special Latino outreach pilot program for Back-to-School-Nights in September. The committee targeted 16 Fairfax schools with over 50% Latino populations, mostly elementary schools, and recruited 13 Spanish speaking volunteers, who engaged close to 1,000 Latino parents of schoolchildren.

More from The Blue View

Old technology is newest tool to energize voters

Reported by Janelle Hartman and Stephanie Witt Sedgwick:

Postcards may be old technology, but they are being revived as an effective tool in the arsenal of Fairfax County Democrats to get a robust turnout at elections on November 6th.

Numerous postcard parties have been held in Fairfax County throughout the campaign season to target registered voters with personal appeals from writers urging recipients to come to the polls and vote for Democrats. The total number of postcards from area volunteers flooding the US Postal Service is unknown, but estimated at tens of thousands.

The cards are all hand written and addressed. There’s no set script, but each reminds voters of the date of election and the Democratic candidates in their district and urges the voter to have their voice heard on election day.

As volunteer Eileen Shropshire wrote, “It took me longer to write this card than it will take you to vote. Your vote matters!”

Two recent postcard parties with big turnouts:

On Sunday, Oct. 21, more than 30 volunteers from Lee District Democratic Committee  turned the back room of Fiona’s Irish Pub in Alexandria into a postcard writing factory — filling more than 1,000 postcards with personal appeals to voters who cast ballots in 2016 but skipped last year’s state election. Even Fairfax County Supervisor Jeff McKay and School Board Member Ilryong Moon squeezed into crowded tables to help.

A few days later, on Thursday morning, Oct. 25, more than two dozen volunteers filled the Whole Food Vienna café area (see image at top) to complete a three-month program organized by Vienna Neighbors United that has resulted in almost 10,000 postcards urging Virginia voters to go to the polls on November 6 and vote for the Democratic candidates in their districts.

More from The Blue View

Next Hunter Mill Democrats Meeting, Wednesday October 10, 2018

The October meeting of the Hunter Mill Democrats will take place on Wednesday, October 10 at 7:30pm at Louise Archer Elementary School, 324 Nutley St. NW, Vienna, VA 22180. This will be the last Hunter Mill meeting before election day, so come and learn what you can do to help build the Blue Wave!

All are welcome to arrive at 7pm to meet one another and members of the executive board before the meeting begins at 7:30pm.

We look forward to seeing you on Wednesday, October 10!