Biden Wins the Presidency!

Congratulations to all Americans on Joe Biden’s victory! We also managed to send our Democratic representatives and Senator back to Washington. Under some of the most difficult circumstances in the history of American elections, you all volunteered and worked tirelessly to turn out and inform voters in record numbers. This victory belongs to every American, but in particular to every Democrat who has put their time and energy into building a blue wave that has sustained over years. We have put so much on the line, even risking our very lives in the face of a global pandemic to fight for what we believe in.

Take some time to relish this incredible victory. Take some time to savor the possibilities for repairing our damaged democracy over the next four years. And rest up so that next year you are ready to fight to keep Virginia’s legislature and statewide offices in Democratic hands.

Here’s to you, Hunter Mill Democrats!


A huge thank you to all of our volunteers who called voters, canvassed voters, donated money and helped all our candidates up and down the ticket this election cycle! We would especially like to thank our Fighting4Fairfax organizer Henry Pratt, and campaign manager, Jeremy Cullimore.

We had a Democratic sweep in Hunter Mill and we congratulate all of our winning candidates below, including Hunter Mill members Sen. Janet Howell, Del. Ken Plum, Sheriff Stacey Kincaid, Hunter Mill Supervisor-Elect, Walter Alcorn, and Hunter Mill School Board Representative-Elect, Melanie Meren!

Finally, thank you to Supervisor Cathy Hudgins and to Hunter Mill School Board Representative Pat Hynes for their many years of service to Hunter Mill District, Fairfax County, and also for supporting the Hunter Mill Democrats.

Senate of Virginia

  • Jennifer Boysko, 33rd District
  • Barbara Favola, 31st District
  • Janet Howell, 32nd District
  • Chap Petersen, 34th District

Virginia House of Delegates

  • Mark Keam, 35th District
  • Kathleen Murphy, 34th District
  • Ken Plum, 36th District
  • Ibraheem Samirah, 86th District

Fairfax County Board of Supervisors

  • Jeff McKay- Chairman
  • Walter Alcorn, Hunter Mill District Supervisor

Fairfax County School Board

  • Melanie Meren- Hunter Mill District Representative
  • Karen Keys-Gamarra- At-Large Member
  • Abrar Omeish- At-Large Member
  • Rachna Sizemore-Heizer- At-Large Member

Fairfax County Constitutional Officers

  • Steve Descano- Commonwealth’s Attorney
  • Stacey Kincaid- Sheriff

Northern Virginia Soil and Water Conservation District

  • Monica Billger- Director
  • Chris Koerner- Director
  • Jerry Peters- Director

#Fighting4Fairfax This Week and Beyond

Fighting for Fairfax, the coordinated campaign for Fairfax County, keeps a running list of upcoming volunteer events at, but take special note of upcoming events here in the Hunter Mill District of Fairfax County. The Hunter Mill office is located at 2942 Hunter Mill Rd, Oakton, VA.

Be sure to check back often for new additions to the list. Contact Henry Pratt at or (703) 705-2039 with any questions:

  • September 19, Coordinated Day of Action In Reston, Fox Mill Shopping Center Starbucks, 2523 John Milton Dr., Herndon, VA 20171, 4:30 to 7:30pm
    • Join us September 19th as friends and neighbors gather to knock doors and talk to voters in Reston.

Save The Date for this list of future Hunter Mill #Fighting4Fairfax events:

  • Saturday 9/28, Canvass
  • Sunday 9/29, Canvass
  • Tuesday 10/8, Phone Bank
  • Wednesday 10/9, Canvass
  • Saturday 10/19, Canvass
  • Sunday 10/20, Canvass
  • Tuesday 10/29, Phone Bank
  • Wednesday 10/30, Canvass
  • Friday 11/1, Get Out the Vote!
  • Saturday 11/2, Get Out the Vote!
  • Sunday 11/3, Get Out the Vote!
  • Monday 11/4, Get Out the Vote!
  • Tuesday 11/5 (election day), Get Out the Vote!

Join Us on Sunday in Fighting for Fairfax!

Please join us this Sunday, September 8th at 2435 Flint Hill Road in Vienna for our first canvassing shifts as part of Fighting for Fairfax, starting at 11am and/or 1pm. We will be door-knocking for School Board endorsee Melanie Meren, Hunter Mill Supervisor nominee Walter Alcorn, as well as our at-large candidates and state representatives. We cannot win in November without you! Click here to register with us to door-knock on Sunday and be part of the 2019 Blue Wave!

Click here for our Facebook event.

The Coordinated Campaign will be hosting campaign events four times a month in Hunter Mill. We hope to see you this Sunday for the first Fighting for Fairfax canvass event in Hunter Mill!

About Fighting For Fairfax :

This week, the Fairfax County Democratic Committee officially launched the Fighting for Fairfax Coordinated Campaign. The Coordinated Campaign’s mission is to pool voter outreach efforts and volunteers from campaigns across all magisterial districts, which will help us elect Democrats up and down the ballot in Fairfax County. Click here to read more about the Fighting For Fairfax Coordinated Campaign.

Fighting for Fairfax is a field operation; Jeremy Cullimore, an experienced campaign manager, will lead Fighting for Fairfax. Volunteers will target Democratic voters countywide to get out the vote.

Major elements of this campaign include:
-Campaign Director and three regional Field Organizers.
-Three full-time shared campaign offices:

  • South County
  • Fairfax Station
  • Oakton

Regularly scheduled phone banks and canvassing shifts.
-Unified literature to support all local Democratic candidates.
-Information and data sharing to maximize efficiency.

Fighting for Fairfax is directed by a Task Force of FCDC leaders to provide logistical, operational, and political support.

About the FCDC Joint Campaign
The FCDC Joint Campaign is a mailing and literature program; the campaign consists of mail and literature distributed to hundreds of thousands of voters in the County, as follows:

1. Back to School Night literature distributed by hundreds of volunteers to inform parents about the upcoming elections and remind them that Democrats are the only party that cares about public education.
2. Young Voter Outreach mailing, already underway, encourages college-age voters to request an absentee ballot.
3. Voter Guide mailed out to thousands of voters, in 76 different versions, explaining which candidates will be on their ballots in November.
4. Absentee Chase program to inform voters of their candidates as soon as they request an absentee ballot, along with tips to make sure their vote is counted
5. Sample Ballots in multiple languages to blanket our 243 precincts and ensure that voters know which candidates are the Democrats.

The team to support the Joint Campaign includes the FCDC Vice Chairs, as well as longtime absentee ballot program leaders Rick & Burma Bochner and their team of 30 volunteers working five days a week at FCDC Headquarters.

To read the full press release click here.

Activists Hold Vigil at NRA After Republican Short-Circuit of Legislative Session

After Republicans’ stunning inaction on gun violence during last week’s short-lived legislative session, Hunter Mill members and others joined the Alliance to End Gun Violence at a vigil in front of NRA Headquarters in memory of victims of gun violence.

The organization holds a vigil on the 14th of each month in front of the NRA headquarters in Fairfax. The vigil is held from 10:00am–1:00pm except for Sundays, when it is takes place from 2:00–3:00pm. Come join us each month and make sure that gun-violence victims don’t go unseen by the NRA.


A trio of stars puts sparkle in Hunter Mill’s lasagna dinner – and enthusiasm for a win in November

By Brad Swanson:

A trio of rising Democratic stars in the state legislature fired up the audience at the Hunter Mill District Democratic Committee’s 44th annual lasagna dinner fundraiser Saturday night with a consistent message– it’s time to take back the majority in both the House and Senate.

Hala Ayala (D- 51, left), Kathy Tran (D-42, center) and Jennifer Foy (D-2, right) each delivered short but punchy presentations at the Reston Community Center exhorting diners to seize the moment to replace long-standing, but now slim, majorities in both chambers of the state assembly in state-wide elections on Nov. 5.

“We are the ones we’ve been waiting for,” said Del. Foy. “Now is the time we can play offense rather than defense.”

Del. Tran recounted some major accomplishments, spearheaded by Democrats, in the 2019 legislative session, such as Medicaid expansion. She also noted some disappointments, progressive legislation torpedoed by Republicans, but said that “all eyes are going to be on Virginia this November,” and that “we’re going to continue to fight for our values” in the effort to flip the legislature.

Del. Ayala used her own example to send a note of inspiration, having overcome financial hardship, family health issues, and rank bigotry in a successful bid to enter the state legislature.

The three speakers, all relatively young women of color, portrayed a diverse and energetic Democratic party ready to take center stage in a state turning increasingly blue.

The other major event of the evening was a tribute to Cathy Hudgins (right), who is retiring after two decades as Hunter Mill District’s representative on the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors. Sup. Hudgins was recognized as an effective voice for social progress and justice by former colleagues including, Rep. Gerry Connolly (D- 11), a former Supervisory Board chair, who is traveling and contributed a congratulatory video.

Read the rest at The Blue View

Money in politics emerging as top issue in Virginia 2019 elections

By Abby Fox:

The heated topic of money in politics in Virginia drew a star-studded list of speakers and a large, boisterous audience to a forum on Nov. 28th at the Mason District Government Center.

State legislators, candidates and activists took turns detailing the corrosive effects of corporate money on politics throughout the Commonwealth, calling out Dominion Energy, the NRA, the Koch industrial family, tobacco giant Altria, and private prison company GEO Group, among others.

The speakers agreed that the topic is sure to play an important role in elections in Nov. 2019 in which all 40 state senators and 100 state delegates will be chosen.

Event sponsors included: People Demanding Action, the End Corporate Rule Issue Organizing Team of People Demanding Action, Progressive Democrats of America-Virginia, Our Revolution Northern Virginia, Our Revolution Arlington, American Promise – Virginia, Our Revolution Alexandria, Activate Virginia, and Loudoun Progressives.

(Photo: Yasmine Taeb says she will take a leave of absence for six months to wage an electoral battle for Virginia state senate)

Much more from The Blue View

Urgent Need for Calls to Florida Voters

Please help make calls to Florida voters to ensure that their votes are counted.  These calls are SO important as each one of these voters that you help to cure their ballot is a vote for Democrats in an extremely close election. We can’t do it without your help!

Who we’re talking to: FL Democratic voters who voted by mail, but their ballot likely did not count, likely because the signature on their ballot envelope didn’t match their voter registration signature.

What we need them to do:

1. Confirm that they voted by mail in this past election

2. Go to this website for an affidavit: (OR, you send them an email with this link)

3. Fill out the affidavit (either print it, or fill it out online)

4. Locate a valid Florida ID (list of acceptable ID’s is in the script)

5. GO TO their county supervisor of elections OR email their county supervisor of elections their signed affidavit + a copy of their valid ID


Hunter Mill Democrats Volunteer Appreciation Party Saturday!

Well, we did it. We worked together and we built a Blue Wave last week. Democrats had a great night across the country, and the first signs of a good night came right here in Northern Virginia. Jennifer Wexton comfortably defeated Barbara Comstock in one of the first big flips of the night. We also propelled Tim Kaine and Gerry Connolly to decisive statement victories in their races. And none of it would have happened without our incredible volunteers. It’s time to raise a glass to you, and take an evening to revel in victory!

The annual Hunter Mill Democrats Volunteer Appreciation Party will take place this Saturday, from 5pm-7pm at Reston Community Center Lake Anne, located 1609-A Washington Plaza N., Reston, 20190.

Join fellow volunteers and elected officials, including Janet Howell, Chap Petersen, Mark Keam, Ken Plum, and and more to celebrate everyone’s hard work and our electoral success this year! Please click here to RSVP.

Light food and beverages will be provided, though if you would like to contribute a side dish, it would be welcome. Please note this in your RSVP.

There is no cost to attend, but an RSVP is appreciated so we can make sure we have enough food. Please click here to RSVP.

Questions? Email